Thursday, December 25, 2008


Many traditions in my family are centered around food and our Italian heritage. One of those is our Raviolis. My dad still likes to tell the story of how at his first Christmas with mom's family he sat down to Christmas dinner and was served these huge home made Raviolis (as he holds up his hands to demonstrates the size) and after consuming three of them laid down on the couch stuffed to the brim. He would then go on to tell you that he was absolutely shocked to learn that those were only the first course! Chad is happy that I have continued the tradition of the Raviolis although mine are not a big and one can eat 4-7. He even helps me make them. This year we got the kids to help a bit. Courtney had fun and told Chad that they made a good team.

Aiden even got a curious about what was going on up on the counter

This year for filling we had Italian sausage in some and 3 cheese for the rest. I really liked the sausage ones best.
Since we were headed over to the kitchen's for Christmas evening we had our Raviolis for lunch this year. We had some friends over to join us so we made about 60 raviolis. I forgot to get a picture of the finished product at lunch, but I will admit they were pretty good!


Erika said...

Mmmmmm, looks delightful! I love hearing everyone's Christmas traditions!

Ashley said...

yummy! I love it! That's a great idea! :)