Monday, March 16, 2009

It's leprichan chatching time

The time of year has come that the kindergartners have to make leprechaun traps. The two kiders in my car pool had traps to take to school this morning and it sparked Casey's imagination on the subject of leprechauns. Each year since school has begun St Patrick's day has taken on a whole new level of excitement. I think it is because the teachers are not restrained by religious boundaries. They go all out to convince the kids that their class room was invaded by sneaky and destructive little men. The kids always come home with wild stories of the tricks the leprechauns have played on the class. Last year at bed time I had to convince Tyler that a leprechaun could not get into our house since we have an alarm.On the way to school Casey starts to hatch a plan about a trap. Our friend little Miss B told Little Miss A that she should have put a sign that said "For dolls only" on her trap because leprechauns never follow the rules and in fact do the exact opposite of what they are asked not to do. So Casey is planning on making a box for dogs that says for puppies only so that a leprechaun will feel compelled to enter since he is not a puppy. Miss B responds with, but dogs can't read so that would not make sense. The leprechaun would know you were trying to trick him because leprechauns are smarter than that. These kids are so cute, I love to listen to there conversations :). Happy St. Patrick's day everyone. the hunt is on!


crazy said...

Autumn ha locked her bedroom and shoved books under the door , so no lephrachauns will enter.

Erika said...

Sheesh, those kids and their imaginations...gotta love it!