Tuesday, August 10, 2010


So Chad went to urgent care on the night of the injury and they told him he sprained it and fractured it but he should probably go to a foot doc and have it looked at. They also told him to stay off it for at least a week. Well when one has a job that requires one to be on ones feet that equals sick days! Luckily he had them and even more lucky that the HR lady at his work suggested he go ahead a file for a short term disability claim "just in case" because when he got in to see the foot doctor he was told it was the worse kind of sprain he could have and that the sprain was of more concern than the fracture. There are sprains that it is good to get back on your feet and then there is the kind of sprain Chad had and that required another two weeks staying off it! So that was a total of 3 weeks with no work, thank goodness for short term disability!

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