Wednesday, October 27, 2010

silly bands

I was having problems with my cammera not downloading to my computer so it has been forever since I post so now it's catch up time !!!

The new fad (and its funny cuz now a month later its pretty much over) is silly bands. Whoever invented these is a genius millionaire now. They are rubber band in different shapes which is so silly because one you put it on your wrist you cant even tell what shape you have, but whatever. We (the PTO) sold them after school for a couple of months and they made us some good money.
The kids collected them and traded them and fought over them when so and so took so and so's dinosaur!!

Aiden even got in on that business. he loved them but would also brake them often. I don't think he was aware of the stretchy limitations.


wittygal said...

Oh those silly bands! I am finding them everywhere.

Farley Smiles said...

Are they already "out" in Arizona? Brady and Kolby are still into them but they only started in September. It is a nice bribe for the time being!

Erika said...

It's funny how fast they come and then fizzle out.