Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Mother Son Olympics

Our PTO event for March was the Mother Son Olympics. We decided to have an Olympics rather than a dance in hopes that the boys would be more interested in it. We did a Minute to Win it type Olympics. Every even was timed to be achieved in a minute. The times were added up at the end. The boys and I Had the best time over all, but since I was one of the ladies in charge of the event I told the boys we could not win, but I would make it up to them later. They were fine with this except when Casey tried to tell some kids in class that he won and then they wouldn't believe him when someone else was named the gold metal winner. Sorry Casey :( The boys were excited because we planned it so that us PTO moms who had boys would still be able to participate with our boys. I was still running around a lot, but I did stop long enough to play the games. I promised the boys that next year I would do nothing but attend with them.

1 comment:

Erika said...

That looks like hard work/fun! Way to go on winning (but not). :)