Thursday, September 13, 2012


We hunted eggs in the back yard.  Only the 5 littlest kids did the hunting and they had a great time.  Tucker heard there was a golden egg and spent most of the time stressing about finding that egg and had to be conviced to pick up other eggs while he looked for the golden egg.  He was getting so upset someone eventually encouraged him to look in a specific area and lo and behold...the golde egg!!!  he was very happy after that.

Court and Eden had a great time playing all weekend and Court had a grweat time dressing up in Eden's clothes all weekend.  For Easter morining she even borrowed a dress so match Eden in her beautiful Easter dress.

The boys
All the kids
Couples...nice face Chad
big brother
Mom with her kids.  Dad was inside sick (which I also came down with by that night :) it was horriable)

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