Tonight we took the kids to Red Robin for dinner. Casey had earned a certificate for a free kids meal and so, genius marketing, we had to take him out to use it or suffer the pain of (in his eyes) telling him we didn't care about his accomplishment.
funny thing - It was the end of our meal and our waitress comes by to take a few plates, Tyler looks at me and said "is that really our waitress because she had makeup on" I ,rather flabbergasted that he would notice such a thing and sure he is mistaken wait for her to return so that I can get a look at her. Sure enough when she returns she has apparently (and Chad confirmed this) put on some lipstick. Why is this funny? Well it just goes to show he is Chad's kids. Chad always notices things that I never do. This is handy in his line of work and maybe it is because of his work that he notices details while I skate through life in an oblivious fog. Heaven help me if I ever need to describe a person or event to the police or someone, it would be very vague. Well back to Tyler I had to laugh and laugh because you couldn't have a more like father like son moment. We have started to notice how perceptive he is and how curios he is, but I never attributed it to Chad before tonight.
Dinner was a little hard with Aiden clinging to us out of fear of the big red bird visiting tables throughout the dinning area. It didn't help that sister would squeal and hide under the table when he came within five tables of us. Aiden wouldn't eat our leave first Chad's then my lap because he had to keep a close eye on Red. When we were leaving Chad told Court that if she would give Red a hug he would buy her a princess crown for Disneyland. What a sucker! After squealing and whimpering all trough dinner she went back in with me and gave him a hug and hand five as she would put it. I guess fear has has a price.
Thanks Casey for being student of the week so that we could all enjoy dinner at a restaurant and giving me an excuse to not have to cook tonight :)
Ha! So funny that he's like his Dad!
yay for courtney! hug a creepy costumed character for a crown? it's worth it! :)
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