Monday, November 14, 2011

first tooth

Court finally had her first loose tooth. She wiggled and wiggled it till it was to the point that it could be pulled. Chad tried to get close enough but she totally freaked out. Casey asked if he pulled it would I give him a dollar and I said no but if Court let him pull it I would give her five dollars. After her freak out with Chad I figured I was safe making that deal.......

But I was wrong she immediately perked up and said OK, sat there calmly while Casey pulled it out. Not a flinch, no hesitation. nothing.

We wrote a note to the tooth fairy since as the note said Court never sleeps in the same place she was worried about loosing it.

The tooth fairy brought a dollar and I handed over my 5. I think that is the most any of my kids have made on tooth to date.

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