Monday, November 14, 2011

pioneer day

One more activity for our fun filled day with Grandma. It was pioneer day and her stake had this huge pioneer day celebration. The Spanish branch built this small replica of the Navoo temple. it was so amazing, you could walk into it and see and read about pictures about the history of the temple displayed around the room.

They had so many great activity stations for the kids. They made paraffin candles...

Made rag dolls....

Washed clothes the old fashioned way....

and hung them out to dry.....

Learned about weaving and got a cool craft to take with them that was great, because they spent the next couple of days weaving.....

Went on a wagon ride around the parking lot.....

Bobbed for apples......

Enjoyed some BBQ corn on the cob......

Made rope.......

They had so much fun. I didn't even get a picture of everything...they also had home made ice cream in a Ziploc baggy for your churn/mix as you walked around, popcorn, pulled pork sandwiches for lunch, cobbler for dessert, quilting, historical pioneer info, cooking biscuits over an open fire, a rock wall, stick pulling games, log sawing. The older kids had a great time running around on their own and I had so much fun with he little ones.

Thanks to Grandma for the oh so wonderful day we had!!

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