Monday, November 14, 2011

visiting grandma

Our last trip of the summer was to Uncle Sam's hose to help him paint a couple of rooms in the house they are renting in preparation for his family to join him in corona. Since we were so close we just had to go spend a day with grandma. It was so much fun and very busy. The kids were just aching to go spray the snails for grandma since grandpa would always let them do it.
Grandma could get over that the kids were so interested in the snails seeing as how we don't have them here in Arizona. They sprayed some poured salt on others and played with others.....

And even saved some to take the beach to experiment how the salt water would affect them.

Grandma pulled out her toys for the kids to play, and they had a great time with them.

They especially love these Ideal Blocks. I tried looking them up on the Internet to some of our own, but everything I can find on them is from 2009 and all the places that say they have them say they are back ordered. Darn they are super cool, oh well, we will just have to play with them at grandma's.


Peg said...

Hi, this is Chad's cousin, Jenny. Those blocks are called Wedgits. They have them at Red Balloon. Also, I saw them on Amazon.I hope that helps. I enjoy reading your blog! I Love seeing what your family is up to!

wittygal said...

I remember those snails! Very cool, I know I always say this every time I look at your blog but I enjoyed catching up. All of the birthdays, man, why do kids have to keep getting older?