Thursday, February 10, 2011

9 months

It took 9 months but after those long months I got a great reward and got to bring this sweetie home.

9 months later he is growing so big and so fast I got some clothes from a friend and she had the same outfit he had worn home from the hospital so I just HAD to get a picture and compare.

Brody is such a joyful addition to our family. He keeps us all very entertained with his new skills and achievements each month. The kids take great pleasure in every new thing he does. They love showing him off to friends and playing with him. He loves daddy so much and crawls after him if ever he walks into a room, crying with disappointment if he is not picked up and given his due attention.


The Gearharts said...

He really is such a cutie! So worth all the work!

Erika said...

Oh my word, what a difference!!