Friday, June 11, 2010

Happy Birthday times 3

When my friend Tami stated that she wanted to plan a circus/carnival party (she loved party planing and it an obsession of hers) I said she could plan one for my kids. I have always thought of doing a combined party for them and since I was pregnant and not doing much of anything I figured it was the perfect time to get all three kids parties done at once and Tammi could get this one out of her system. Here is the amazing party she planed for my three oldest kids......
A snack table with jars filled with circus type foods. Peanuts, animal crackers, sucker, and gum balls.

A ticket booth and one of those things you put your face in to pose for a picture. She found one that was a circus theme!

No circus would be complete without some animals. love the cages she made :)

For games we had Dart throwing, pie in the face, ring toss, donuts on a string, dunk pond, fish in a cup throw and a few others.

the pie in the face was the most popular game. some kids got quite messy with the shaving cream we used to make the pies. Tyler even was sport enough to pose a pic while some of the girls at the party smashed him with shaving cream.
We had some great carnival food. Cotton candy, popcorn and snow cones.

I even got to fulfill one of my life long dreams of spinning cotton candy !

We even had a prize table for the kids to spend their tickets that they won.
Tammi was such a sport and even dressed up as a clown and did face painting. She is pretty devoted to the details!

Thanks to all our friends who were able to make it, but the biggest thanks goes to Tammi for all her planning and hard work. We had a blast! Happy Birthday to Tyler, Court and Casey.


{B}dreamy said...

How fun is that! I love it. *B

Farley Smiles said...

So fun and what a great friend!