Thursday, January 6, 2011

christmas morn

Christmas morning rang bright and early. Brody still slept and we let him join us later. I didn't want to wake him or make the other kids wait for him to wake on his own.

as always mom went down first and the kids followed in order of youngest to oldest.
Santa came through with a Buzz Light Year scooter for Aiden.....
Brody got a great little play table that he loves and plays with often. Funny how singing toys don't annoy me quite as much as they did with my first. Now the noise just blends in with all the other noise of the house.....
Kandi Beads for Courtney, she is planing on getting in on the cuff and bracelet making action of her brothers.......
A "Road Cutter" scooter for Tyler.......
and a Power wing for Casey.
I had to get this shot of T wearing shutter glass (a gift from Aiden, Casey got him a red pair also) purchased at the holiday shop at school. This was the first thing we sold out of at Holiday shop. He is also sporting his new hat with the "Fox racing" symbol and "Rock star" energy drink symbol. The second Chad saw it he knew T would love it. father like son
Brody would hold a present and then try to eat it, so the kids enjoyed "helping" him open his gifts.
We had a great morning and I think we stretched it to about an hour and a half. Courtney got to be Santa and hand out the gifts this year, so she loved that.

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