Saturday, March 19, 2011

Dr. Seuss week

I am not very good at remembering birthdays, but ever since my kids started school I never miss Dr. Seuss's birthday. Not that I realised I was missing it before. This year at our school made spirit week the same week as this famous birthday with themed days such as "Green Eggs and Ham day", "Thing one and Thong Two (Twin day)", "Crazy hat day" etc. So of course on green eggs and ham day the kids want that for dinner so below is my version of it. We had green scrambled eggs with bacon bits, sour cream and a slice of avocado for a little extra green ;) in a corn tortilla. As a side dish I colored the hash browns green and while they don't look all that appetising it was in fact a yummy meal. My supremely talented party throwing friend had a Dr. Seuss party for the little pre K kids. Aiden had a blast and came home with great party favors and lots of stories of the fun games they played.

Same friend made Thing one and two shirts for her daughter a friend. Tyler wanted in on that action so he became Thing 3.
Thanks Dr. Suess for all the great books that you contributed to my and my kids childhood, and thanks for all the fun you inspire.

1 comment:

Erika said...

Oh that's fabulouso. We didn't really do much for Dr. Seuss's Bday. I love the green meal though, looks yummy!