So I was in charge of our family reunion this year. I planned all year long.looking for a camping option...cabins or tent....we decided tants after the cabin place required a day longer than we were planing on due to the holiday weekend (the 4th of July) so I booked a camp sight and planned meals and activities. Then the week before the reunion I heard about Bear atacks in the area! 3! 3 unprovoked bear atacks within miles of where we were going to be camping. My logical brain told me it would be fine and nothing would happen, but my illogical brain was imagining how I would feel if someone, a child maybe, got attacked by a bear while I was incharge. I also imagined how bad it would be if something happened and everyone found out later that I knew of the chance we had taken and had not let them know. I decided to let each family know the situation and decide what they wanted tyo do. Mandio had offered her house as an alternative. The vote came back pretty even...go to mandi's or go camping. It was a huge inconvenience for those who had alkready started traveling and had pack for camping but int he end we decided to go the safer route and converge on Mandi and her family. So most of my planning went down the _____ and I readjusted somethings and trew together the changes in a couple days.
We went to drivein to see double feature of Brave and The Avengers. THey were both great. Unfortunately It was July so we had super hot weather and late start times. We brought the truck and filled the back with water to make a pool for the kids to keep cool in. Had snacks like popcorn and watermellon. The moms decided to take the younger kids home so they could get to bed while the dads, me and the older kids stayed for the Avengers. We did all cheer for Mckay when his name came up during the closing credits on Brave.
The next day was busy...we had an early breakfast and went over to Mandi's church building for the Farley Family Olympics. We had fun with wacky olympics games like The "sraw" javalin throw, the "paper plate" Diskus throw, A bean toss, walking with a book on your head, walking with a cotton ball on a spoon race and more.
We had four teams, and we also did skits which were funny and well thought out for 3 min planing/paperbag skits. The kids had a great time running around and playing while we waited for everyone to arrive.
After olymics and lunch the moms got glitter toes and then we ran off to the pool for some swimming. Between toes and dinner reservations for the grown ups/siblings swiming got cut kind of short, but we still had fun going down the slide and jumping of the diving board and the high dive at the local public swimming pool.
Dinner was yummy and nice to get to visit with each other withour the kids. When we got back grandma did glitter tatoos for the grand kids and Nates family was incharge of dessert. He had lost a chanlege earlier in the year and his "Punishment" was having to do dessert for the reunion. Laura and he came up with an amazing and creative dessert for camiping which were still able to make over an open fire in mandi"s back yard.
You roast a cresent roll around a dowel and then fill it with vanilla puding and att chocolate frosting and whipped crewam on top for a campfire eclare. So clever and so yummy the kids were in heaven.
It all turned our great and it was so much fun getting together and spending time with eachother, not long enough :(...glad my year is over and it will not be my turn again for a very long time :)
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