Thursday, September 23, 2010

I can't fit it in right now!

I have an opportunity to go to school and have my tuition paid, but the stipulation is that I have to go by Sept 30th 2010. This stipulation was put out there last year at this time, but I was in the middle of the worst pregnancy I have had and there was no way I could take on school. Pregnancy obviously followed by new born baby and all the adjustments and emotional roller coaster that comes with it...again no way I could even think about it...stress!!! Now the year is up and every time I look for a class on the school websites I have anxiety and stress! I don't know how to fit it into my schedule. I am on my HOA board and the PTO board at the kids school. Then trying to work around Chad's work schedule and the still young baby who I can only leave for about 2 hours at a time. Add Girls scouts and boy scouts and meetings and helping each child with homework let alone adding my own! I can hardly handle it now and the thought of adding school to it all...I just cant do it! It makes me want to cry just thinking about it. I don't know what I want to study and I have been out of school for 17 years. I did home school and finished when I was 16. I wouldn't even know where to start and if would count for anything because I would have to take such low level classes to get back into the swing of things. Chad tries to encourage me because he doesn't want me to miss out on this great opportunity, but If I'm going to remain sane this year I just can't do it. I know there are plenty of people out there who would say I can work it out, fit it in, suck it up, I shouldn't be doing the other volunteer things I'm doing. But for the sake of my mental well being, the sake of my children and my family I sadly let this opportunity pass. I can still go back to school one day, but I'll have to keep my original plan of going when the kids are in school and I'll just have to pay for it myself. That is not the end of the world, I hate that have to let this great gift go because I appreciate the importance of education. I go back and forth, even as I write this I tell myself, I just need to do it, I just have to get through it. I don't know, maybe ill try and go down to the college and see if they have anything I can fit with my schedule.

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