Monday, December 12, 2011


Aiden had his first dentist appointment.  I know it was really late for him to start, but between no insurance and then just not getting around to it  here he is finally getting his first check up.  I should have know this late start was a really bad thing since bad teeth run in the family (thanks daddy).  He need work done and it was significant and since he was so young they recommended paying the extra to knock him out completely (anesthesiologist) so that they could get all the work done at once and have no memory.  I agreed since I had gone through bad experience with Court and wanted to avoid that again.  So for a total of $900.00 later he is good to go and caught up on dental care.  We will stay on top of it this time and hopefully avoid a repeat.
He got a hold of a blue sharpie and did some art work on his legs a few days before his appointment so he was sporting some lovely legs.  He did a great job during his check up and did cry once which is more than i can say for the 10 year old getting a cleaning in the next chair over.  He also did great for the follow up appointment where they did all the work, but that was e plan when we paid the extra $650.oo.

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