Monday, December 12, 2011

special time with Aiden

One day the older kids each had some special thing they got to do ( I cant remember now what they did) and I was needing to get out of the house so I decided to take Aiden to Macyo's for some special one on one time.  Since it was still 65th anniversary and the food was cheep this was the perfect fun time activity.
He was silly and had to have  gum ball from the gumball machine in the entrance for his dessert.
One of the funny things that happened was that he needed to go the bathroom while we were waiting for our food to arrive.  I was worried that no one would be at the table while we were gone, but he cant go by himself so off we went.  When we got back our drinks were gone and they were wiping down our table.  I told them were just at the bathroom and were still waiting for our food.  They apologised profusely and got us new drinks and chips. our food got their soon after.

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