Friday, January 27, 2012

turkey trot

I had no idea Court could run till I showed up to the school on the same day they were having the turkey trot and a couple moms told me they has just watched her win the 1st grade girls race...and i missed it!  Darn.  She told me she even came in before the 3rd place boy and long before the rest of the girls.  e even tripped and fell during the race
She won a $20.00 gift card to Fry's, our local supermarket, complete with electronics and toys.  She got A 3 foot tall doll and some candy.  I thought the doll was creepy and tried to talk her into something else, but she would not be swayed so she ended up with......
The sister i never gave her.  She loves to dress in different outfits and do her hair.

1 comment:

Erika said...

Yay for Courtney! It's always amazing when they do something you had no idea they could do. Love the new sister too! :)