Wednesday, December 10, 2008


On Thursday night November 20th I went with a bunch of friends to see the midnight premier of one of our favorite books. We had our own private theater thanks to one of the girls near by. First off I have to say I love going to midnight release releases (yes, we went to that one too :) ) and now movie releases. It is just fun! I really liked the movie. Obviously the book is better and it is a lot to live up to, books always are. I have a few scenes I loved and one I didn't care for, but aside the one, I loved it. I loved it more when Chad took me back a second time on our date night. He knew the story line since I read it to him on our 12 hour dive to my parents house. I had to keep him awake and he had nowhere to go wahahaha :). He admitted the movie was not bad and that it was to bad they didn't have a better budget because it could have been better with better special effects. And then I went back a third time with a friend who was unable to make it to the midnight release with us. I still enjoyed it the third time around. I would go again if someone needed a friend to go with, but I should probably wait till it comes out on video, then i can but it! Then again I do have some movie ticket vouchers I could use. I look forward to the next movie and can't wait to see what they do with a bigger budget and a new director.

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